Monday, July 19, 2010

District Technology Plan Summary

After spending two days searching for our district technology plan and calling our Technology department, I finally got my hands on it.
Mercedes ISD has a very comprehensive technology plan that is headed in the right direction. The four core goals the plan outlined are:

1.Provide technology based solutions which support the instructional needs of teachers and the learning needs of students.

2.Provide technology based professional development for staff to further the effective use of technology.

3.Provide technology based solutions which support the effective and efficient administrative staff.

4.Establish and maintain a robust technology infrastructure that promotes communication and learning for students, staff and the community.

The total budget for technology (2010-2011) is $545,352 and is broken down like so:

The strategies to achieve Goal #1 include: using online applications such as Easy Tech and to help students apply learned technology skills to everyday class work, provide integrated subject lessons, Technology integrations will be part of Campus Improvement Plan, implement student driven multimedia projects using on-line research in content areas, develop relationships with postsecondary institutions to provide additional concurrent opportunities for students to name a few.

The strategies to achieve Goal #2 include: offer just-in-time training to teachers and librarians utilizing campus technology coordinators for training, provide just-in-time training to assist teachers, librarians, and administrators that meet SBEC standards, distance learning will be used to provide staff development as appropriate.

The strategies to achieve Goal #3 include: a centralized website will provide online access to electronic documents, campuses will analyze data to set campus goals and make decisions regarding the improvement of student achievement, the district website will promote best teaching practices, staff are encouraged to assist/pursue in grant writing for further funding and pursuing collaborative grant relationships.

The strategies to achieve Goal #4 include: leverage grants and subsidies to enhance technology for students and staff, standardized web based multimedia services will be provided district-wide, and shared used of specialized technologies such as video conferencing systems, digital cameras, scanners, projection devices and digital video cameras in place on every campus in the district.

Our technology director and his secretary are in charge of coordinating the professional development opportunities and with a budget of $70,000 it seems that either our own district technology coordinators or our local Region 1 ESC will do most of the professional development. I believe that the funds allocated for professional development are not enough to teach the staff the effective use of technology. There will be a conflict with time resources since most campus technology coordinators are teachers and it would be difficult to schedule professional developments due to lack of time.

I believe there is a sufficient budget for the support of infrastructure and that not covered by special discount rates such as e-rate. A large amount of funds are allocated to achieving this goal. Last 2 years, most of the funds were spend on buying new equipment and since the renovation is about 100%, most of the funds will be directed to support the already in place robust technology infrastructure.

The process that enables Mercedes ISD to monitor the progress toward specified goals and make mid-course corrections in response to new developments and opportunities as well as assess the improved student learning include a wide array of formats. Evaluation methods include: surveys of the staff conducted yearly, informal interviews conducted once a semester, records of staff member participation in technology training, yearly inventory of hardware and software. Most importantly, in my opinion, by monitoring the process and accountability measures that evaluate the extent to which activities in the plan are effective in:
-increasing the ability of teachers to teach
-integrating technology into the curricula and instruction
-enabling students to reach challenging state academic standards
-acquiring and deploying technologies and telecommunication services

Overall the plan is very comprehensive but certain changes should be made such as allocate more funds and resources to helping teachers get more exposure and training (goal #2) on how to effectively run student-centered technology based classroom activities. I’m not saying teachers need to be technology experts but helping them become more acquainted with technology will help the district achieve goal #1 with greater ease.

To view the Mercedes ISD 2010-2011 Technology Plan please enter this URL into your browser, for some reason the add a link function did not work.

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